Reading Fairy has been created by early reading experts using the latest academic and government research and best early years practice.
Top 10 highlights
- Parents and the home environment are essential to the early teaching of reading
- 50% of a child’s learning happens in the first four years of life
- 80% of our brains are fully developed by age three
- Latest government research states synthetic phonics to be the best way of teaching reading
- Reading for pleasure impacts academic success
- Children who are regularly read bedtime stories at age 5 perform better in spelling, reading and maths tests.
- Music, songs and rhymes improve cognitive and language abilities in infants
- Babies recognise music and words in the womb
- Recent academic research suggests the brightest children can be switched off if they are only taught to decode words without reading for meaning or developing a love of books.
- 1 in 7 children left UK primary schools unable to read to the required basic standard
To keep up to date with the latest reading research, child developmental news and educational highlights follow Reading Fairy on facebook, twitter, Pinterest and online.